Sunday, May 15, 2011

Time Flies

I can't believe it's already the middle of May!
I was just thinking tonight while doing my dishes I can't remember the last time I had a full blown IC attack. I guess that's a good thing especially since the Bactram is causing problems...either my stomach or that darn yeast...but it must be doing it's job along with the Elmiron.
I can still say I do mess up and drink the occasional "bad for me" drinks, but MODERATION is the key.
I feel great and can't wait for my summer to begin. Big plans this summer starting on June 4th! Yes some of it involves wineries...but the big one involves the big Birthday in Key West...if everything goes as scheduled!
The weather is getting warmer, the depression seems to be lifting as the sun shines on us more often now.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Great 3 Month Checkup!

So I saw Gina the other day and I'm feeling good, am handling things well, I know my symptoms and how to stop overall great appointment. Think about it, last year I was doing the "Cocktail" into January and having too many "bad days". Now I know that every day gets better! I still have to stay on the Bactrum for a while longer as there is still a trace of infection going on. I told her how my GYN was not too happy about me being on this particular antibiotic as they now use it for MRSA Infections...but this one seems to be doing the job.
So now I graduate to 6 months and I'll keep my fingers crossed that these next 6 months go as well as the last 3 have!
I know I don't stay 100% away from the "forbidden" food/drink list, but I also don't overdo it. I bought the Javacid for my coffee and I gotta tell ya, it really helps! I can honeltly say I don't keep up with my PT exercises either, but I make it a point to get them in at least once a week...they do help!
When I start getting the irritating symptoms, I put on the Stim and find a quiet place to RELAX! I think overall the most important thing is to JUST RELAX!
So for those of you out there reading this and aren't feeling your best I can tell you that it gets better!
I may not be the "Model Patient" but I'm doing what works for me and if it doesn't work, I rethink my actions.
Find what works for you and go with it!
All the Best!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!
Things have been going good (still knocking on wood though)
I'm still taking antibiotics which are reaking havic with my stomach and giving me other problems. I'm looking into taking Acidopholis to help with it.
I've been very good as far as my diet is concerned and actually am looking to lose some weight. And I will say...I have to admit that I've done a few wine tours and took precautions that kept me from having problems.
Attitude I believe is a big part of keeping this monster under control.
So Happy New Year to all and let's hope it's a symptom free one!