Tuesday, March 30, 2010

I was right!

I knew it and for once I was actually right!

I have another infection and it just is killing me! There's nothing worse than the burning and stinging feeling I've been putting up with since Saturday morning...but I can't let it get me down and won't-even though I want to stay in bed curled up in that perfect position where it doesn't hurt anymore.

So this morning I went to my scheduled appointment with Gina and she decided to put me on a 4X a day dose of Macrodantin for 10 days instead of the Bactrum. And...then I have to take it once a day indefinitely.
I think this is the first time I could decipher the difference between my IC and an infection (pat myself on the back)

I will say when there isn't an infection lingering in there, I have felt great~like a real human being again and Life Is Good...but when stuff like this happens...well I don't want to do anything, go anywhere, see anyone...I'm sure a lot of people can relate to this.

Saturday, March 27, 2010


So physical therapy has been going great! We've been concentrating on that superficial pelvic muscle which seems to be my problem spot.
But...Thursday night something started again...

I think I have another UTI...all of the symptoms add up. I have some antibiotics so instead of going to Urgent Care and dealing with physicians that do not know my history I'll take the ones I have and try to wait it out until Tuesday morning when I go in for my follow-up with Gina.

Hopefully my plan will help some as I have an interview on Monday afternoon! My 3rd one in a week!!! And on top of it, I have laryngitis!!!

So stay tuned, Tuesday will be here sooner than we know!

Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Very perplexing

The first week of PT went great! I felt much better and my symptoms were almost non-existent. The second week (last week) it didn't seem to help as much so my therapist had me place the electrodes in a different spot to see if it could help more. Well Friday I decided that since I was still symptomatic, I needed to call Gina...
The triage nurse called in "cocktail" Rx to my pharmacy in case it would be decided to do another series of installations.
Saturday, Sunday, Monday and today my symptoms are again non-existent...go figure since I went to see Gina today!
But it seems I do have some kind of infection so I am on Bactram for 10 days and she upped my Elmiron to 3 times a day and if needed take it 4 times.
She also said to stick with PT for now

I go back to see Gina at the end of the month to see how things progress :)